Configuration phase
Task: Establish an association between the physical components in a circuit and their representations in your program.
You will do so by clicking on a link to a Tinkercad project and completing the activity there. Here is a sample calibration task: Using an LED with a Button - Part 2 - Calibration
Focus: Programming
, Testing
What we learn: How to include, configure and test physical components through programming
Sample solution: Using Arduino C/C++, configure the pins where the LED and button are connected
/* Step 1. Create a variable for the pin connected to the LED
and another for the pin connected to the button
Tip: Creating a variable allows you to call a pin by name
instead of its number. */
byte LED = 2;
byte button = 3;
void setup()
/* Step 2. Configure LED pin as an Output and button pin as an Input
Reminder: Any programmable pin (GPIO) can be used either as
an INPUT (receive data/voltage) or OUTPUT (send data/voltage) */
pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);
pinMode(button, INPUT_PULLUP);