We take a Project-Based Learning pedagogical approach in which learners work on a structured sequence of tasks that require or employ problem-solving skills while learning about and eliciting computational concepts.
We prioritize:
- Learning together and from each other over being taught
- Exploring and developing an understanding over memorizing
- Experiencing problems as learning opportunities over resisting problems and troubleshooting opportunities
While we generally work together on activities, there is no restriction on working individually. The activities are designed in such a way that it is equally possible to work on them individually and in groups.
Each project is divided into 3 phases each having an a link to a Tinkercad project. Namely,
- Wiring: When we establish physical connetions between components
- Configuration: When we use programming to represent and configure physical components
- Logic: When we create the logical steps in our program to manipulate physical components as to make our circuit behave according to the project description
During the online group meetings, everyone goes simultaneously through the activity on their devices and one individual, the lead troubleshooter, shares their screen and talks about their ideas as they're going through it, essentially thinking out loud. The rest of the group contributes by making questions, comments, as well as sharing and validating ideas.
As each project is divided into 3 parts, after concluding the tasks in the first part another individual assumes the role of lead troubleshooter. Through this rotation, different individuals have a chance to experience the activity in different roles - doing and supporting someone else's doing.
Right after completing each part, it is important to keep track of how it went and reflect on what was learned. We do so through a simple questionnaire with 4 questions/prompts:
- I still don't understand:
list of concepts
- I understand but can't yet do it on my own:
list of concepts
- I understand and can do it on my own:
list of concepts
- I understand, can do it on my own and can apply the same idea in a different context:
list of concepts